This page is here to help with you login and use the Patanga website...
Forgot your password? Click here to reset it
Forgot your username? Click here to get a reminder
You will be prompted to enter your email address. Enter your Patanga email address (yourfirstname @ patanga You will receive the password reset instructions by email. Please check your spam folder if you can't see it in your inbox
NOTE: Your Patanga email automatically forwards to your regular email address. If you have changed your regular email address you need to let Tom know so he can update it in the system.
If you are getting an error message when you login and you are sure your username and password are correct try to login in from a private / incognito window in your web browser. Instructions below...
- Open Chrome web browser
- Easiest: Press Ctrl-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (Mac) to open an incognito window
- Another way is to click on the menu on the upper right – it's the three vertical dots – and select New Incognito Window from the list.
- Open the Patanga website and login using your username and password
- Open Firefox
- Easiest: From the keyboard press Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) or Command-Shift-P (Mac).
- Alternately in the top right of Firefox click on the menu (three short horizontal lines) and select New Private window
- Open the Patanga website and login using your username and password
Microsoft Edge
- Open Microsoft Edge
- Easiest: Using the keyboard press Ctrl-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (Mac) opens an InPrivate window.
- A slower way to get there is to click on the menu at the upper right – it's three dots arranged horizontally – and choose New InPrivate window from the menu
- Open the Patanga website and login using your username and password
For full instructions and more info go to
Email, text or instant message Tom with a detailed description of the issue with the steps you have taken & text of the error message if you received one. Please attach a screenshot if possible